Covert Commissions Review – Is This “Done-For-You” System Legit? - Precious New Start

Covert Commissions Review – Is This “Done-For-You” System Legit?

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Product Name: Covert Commissions


Price: Free; Pro membership $9.97 - $97; Upsells

Owners: Cindy Donovan and Gary Alach

Rating: 6/10

Launch Date: 16th May 2018 9:00am

Launch End Date: 22nd May 2018, 11:59pm

==> Update: Free offer places have now been filled. 


What Is Covert Commissions?

Covert commissions is a "hands-free, done-for-you" affiliate email marketing service designed to help you promote offers, build your list and earn affiliate commissions.

What this means is that you are given the tools/systems to promote different affiliate products, without having to do the hard work yourself. 

For example, you do not need to create an opt-in page to build your list as you are provided with predesigned lead capture pages, complete with opt-in forms. 

Essentially, all you need to do with this system is drive traffic to the lead capture page and get people to sign up. 

Sounds easy right?!

Unfortunately, it's not as easy as it sounds.

One of the biggest issues beginner marketers face online is not getting enough/the right traffic.

So unless you already know how to drive traffic to offers, you may have just as much difficulty earning with this platform, as you do with any other system.

What makes this different though is that you don't need to spend too much time creating products and sending emails. You can focus your efforts on driving traffic that converts.

Keep on reading this Covert Commissions review to find out more...

Who Are The Owners?

The owners of Covert Commission are Cindy Donovan and Gary Alach. Both are accessible via Skype and Facebook. 

Cindy is an online marketer with a number of products available online such as "Instagenius". 

She's more at the forefront of this product, which is something I find quite encouraging because it gives me confidence that the owner wants to provide real value to her customers.

What's Included?

Within the Covert Commissions dashboard, you get access to new and current "missions".

A "mission" is basically a sales funnel for the product you want to promote.

Each "mission" begins with a predesigned squeeze page, and once your visitors enter their email address, they are taken to the products sales page. 

From that moment they are added to your list.

Additionally, you're provided with walkthrough videos to help you set up your account, as well as training videos to guide you through methods to drive traffic to your squeeze pages. 

How To Set Up Your Account + Start Promoting

Here's a breakdown of steps you should take when you get access to your membership account:

1: Set up your profile details

Start by editing your details such as name, profile picture, PayPal address, autoresponder etc

2: Add your affiliate network links

This includes:

  • JVZoo
  • Clickbank
  • WarriorPlus
  • PayKickstart

This will allow you to promote the different missions and earn commissions on them via the corresponding affiliate network.

3: Add your Autoresponder code

If you upgrade your account to Pro membership you are able to add your autoresponder code to the system. 

This will allow you to automatically have your leads added to an autoresponder of your choice and have emails sent to them automatically. 

Some examples available through the site include:

4: Activate your new member account

This is done by entering your transaction ID (this is only applicable if you upgraded to a paid membership)

5: Choose the product you wish to promote

6: Send traffic to that product with the aid of pre-designed squeeze pages and promo tools

What Training Is Included?

There's a fair amount of training available, not just to help you set up your system, but to also drive traffic to it. 

System Overview 

Here you get an overview of what's included in Covert Commissions and how to access different features within the membership. 

I noticed that the video was slightly outdated, as the dashboard I had was slightly different to the dashboard available in the video. However, the general idea is still the same. 

How To Promote Covert Commissions

When you sign up for free, the only mission available is the Covert Commissions mission. This means you have to promote their platform through the system to earn commissions.

Squeeze page used to promote Covert Commissions

If you choose to upgrade you'll be given additional credits, which you can use to purchase additional missions. 

However, there's absolutely no need to pay for promoting products, through this system, when they are readily available for free drectly through the affiliate networks. 

For example, one of the missions you need credits to promote is Commission Gorilla. However, I was easily able to head over to JVZoo to request approval, and within 24hrs I was approved...all for free!

Ultimately, you're paying for the lead capture features available, rather than the ability to promote the affiliate product.

With each affiliate product, you have access to individual squeeze pages, downloads and email autoresponder sequence.

So, I feel you're actually paying for access to this sales funnel feature, since you won't be creating any of these yourself. 

Traffic Training


Here you're presented with 8 different traffic generating methods, some of which you may and may not have heard of.

It's nice to see a range of options presented, but I feel the videos could have been a bit longer and more in-depth for the benefit of the beginner marketer. 

Additionally, some of the methods listed are paid methods. I would like to have seen some separation between the paid and free methods so that beginner marketers can focus on the methods most appropriate for them and their budget.

Video Walkthrough

How Much Does It Cost?

Front end: FREE

Starter membership: $10/month

Pro membership (monthly):$27/month

Pro membership (annual): $97/year

Upsells and Downsells

There are some upsells and downsells within this program, however, there aren't too many to deal with, compared to some other programs I've reviewed. 

Here's a look at what you can expect:

Sales Page:

When you access the sales page you should be given the option to select a affiliate product you want to promote for free. To help you decide you can preview the squeeze page and decide which offer suits your visitors/readers the most. Then you can enter the corresponding code to the box above. 

Pro Membership Sales Page:

Once you create your free account you're taken to the page to upgrade your account. This is the page where you're offered the chance to join the pro membership. ($27/month or $97/year)

==> Note: Sign up through this link and enter coupon code: CC3OFF for savings on Pro membership

Advantages of upgrading to Pro include:

Upsell 1: 

The first upsell page allows you the option to purchase 5 additional credits for $19.97 (normally $47.00)

Downsell 1: 

If you choose not to access any of the offers above, you can get access to a $1 trial, then $27/month. With this option, you get full access to the Pro membership, for only $1.

OTO 1:

Additionally, there's a one time offer product available called, Email Suite Pro, which allows you to host and manage your leads. Prices start from $9.97

OTO 2:

The second one time offer available is, Automated List Profits. This offers you access to 80+ PLR packages. Prices start from $27/month.

Who Is It For?

Covert Commissions is for those of you who are:

  • Looking to earn affiliate commissions without having to spend too much time and money on landing pages + opt-in forms, etc.
  • Marketers who know how to get quality traffic that converts, directly to their squeeze pages. 
  • Willing to put the effort in to driving quality traffic to the squeeze pages. 

Who Is It NOT For?

Covert Commissions is NOT for those who are:
  • Looking for a "get rich quick" scheme. Although it seems like Covert Commissions offers quick results on the surface, in reality, you need to put in a lot of work in order to drive real converting traffic to your squeeze pages. This type of work doesn't happen overnight!
  • Interested in ongoing training materials to help you grow and build an online business of your own
  • Eager to interact with like-minded individuals, as there is currently no forum or community


  • FREE to join (limited time only) - It's really great to see that this program is 100% free to join, even though it's for a limited time. It means you can start earning and testing the system for yourself, without having to make any initial investments. 
  • check-circle
    No need to create lead capture pages - These pages are already provided for you, so you don't need to spend time or money on creating a page, nor do you need to create an opt-in incentive, this is also included in the system.
  • Training videos - There are 8 training videos which show you how to drive traffic in various ways. Some paid, but there are also free options available. 
  • System is easy to set up - Overall the system is very easy to set up. You just need to update your affiliate info, such as Clickback, JVZoo etc, and then include your autoresponder code. Most of the work has been done for you.
  • check-circle
    Non IM products available to promote - Within this platform you get access to more than just Internet Marketing products. There are relationship products, video creation products etc, which you can promote. 
  • check-circle
    Can contact the owners - The owners are easily accessible through social media, which shows me that they are ready to answer people's questions about the product. 


  • Generating traffic may be difficult - Having a "done-for-you" system sounds exciting, but not everyone knows how to drive traffic to this type of system. So, unless you have some marketing experience, you'll need access to more in-depth training to really generate traffic and get those affiliate commissions.
  • times-circle
    You have to pay to be able to promote other products (even though they're available for free directly from the Affiliate Network) - As mentioned above, you need to purchase credits in order to promote other affiliate products. My main issue with this is that you can just sign up for these products ("missions") for free via the direct affiliate network, such as Clickbank of JVzoo. In my opinion, there's no need for you to pay for the privilege of promoting other affiliate products.
  • Not enough in-depth training - Although there are some training videos available, and interesting ways of driving traffic to the system, I found that these videos where very short overall, and therefore didn't feel there was enough detail for beginner marketers.
  • times-circle
    No signs of ongoing training - So far there's no signs of additional training or tips to further help marketers drive traffic. I can see that there's a blog available, but it would be nice to see access to live webinars and/or an area where they provide new training material on a regular basis. I think this feature would be a nice addition in the Pro membership.
  • times-circle
    Need to be a Pro member to add your autoresponder code - Because of this, as a free member, you're not able to connect your autoresponder to Covert Commissions. Therefore, you have to do some additional work to add your leads manually. 
  • times-circle
    No forum/community - It's a shame to see that there's no platform available for members of Covert Commissions to gather and share tips with each other. As a beginner marketer, one thing that I believe is really important, is having a group of like -minded individuals who can help you and guide you through areas you may be unsure about. 

Is There An Alternative?

As an active member of Wealthy Affiliate, I personally like to recommend this program because it provides you with the real basics when it comes to Affiliate Marketing.

As a beginner marketer, you get access to the right tools and training to really help you get started, and work on building an online business of your own.

With Wealthy Affiliate, each training module has actionable steps to help you keep track of your progress. 

Pretty much all the tools you need are included within the platform, such as Keyword tool, web hosting, content tools, domain registration, training, support, etc.


  • Interact with a community of other users
  • Gain access to live weekly webinars with step by step tips to build your business
  • Work your way through a vast amount of training to help you grow as an Affiliate Marketer and become an authority within your niche. 

Take a look at my quick comparison table below:

Wealthy Affiliate vs Covert Commissions
FeaturesCovert Commissions
Is it easy to get help?
Private coaching available?
Can you Contact the Owners?
Is there a live chat?
Is there step-by-step training?
Are free websites included?
Is web hosting included?
Do they offer a domain platform?
Can you try for free?
Is there a keyword research tool?
Is there an affiliate program?
Do I recommend this?Yes
My Overall Rating6/10

Special Wealthy Affiliate Bonus

As a special bonus for joining me in Wealthy Affiliate, you’ll get your first premium month for only $19. That’s more than 63% discount! It’s a great way to really test out the premium membership and see if Wealthy Affiliate is for you.

However, you can always get started with the FREE membership first.

Final Thoughts

I hope you found this Covert Commissions review helpful.

Overall, Covert Commissions really differs from what I was expecting. I thought it would be another over-hyped "system", but I was really surprised by what was offered, especially with the free membership. 

I really like the fact that you can promote products without having to build your own squeeze page and autoresponder emails, because this is all done for you within the system.

However, it would have been nice to see more in-depth/ongoing training, and a community for all users of the system to interact with each other. 

Is Covert Commissions Legit? YES! This platform is definitely legit, and if you fully apply yourself, and are able to generate traffic that converts, then this system can help you earn affiliate commissions online. 

If you're interested in Covert Commissions click the button below:


As an alternative, click the button below to sign up FREE to my #1 Affiliate Marketing beginners course:

Note: This Covert Commissions review is based on the pre-launch version. The review may be updated when/if there are any significant changes or issues with the program post launch phase.

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What are your thoughts on Covert Commissions?

Are you currently a member? What have your experiences been?

Do you believe you can really earn with this "done for you" system?

Please share your thoughts, questions and comments in the section below


Blogger, Online Marketer and full-time music lover. Thank you for reading my posts! I share my experiences of making money online as well as providing useful tips and advice to those who are interested in starting an online business. I enjoy writing reviews and giving an insight into what has worked for me and what hasn't. If you like what I write here be sure to share my posts with others!

Click Here to Leave a Comment Below 5 comments
Emonne - May 17, 2018

Great Post! I really like how you give us (the readers) an in-depth look at Convert Commission. I wasn’t familiar with this product or the program until reading this review. And I have to say, it sounds very intriguing. It makes me want to learn more about Convert Commission.

This was a very informative review, nice work!

    Stephanie - May 24, 2018

    Hi Emonne!

    I agree, I definitely didn’t expect it to be as intriguing as it was.

    I think if someone works hard with this then they can definitely make money. But I also feel that those new to internet marketing might struggle because the training isn’t as in-depth as some other programs out there.

    Thanks for commenting!

Owassa McDaniel - May 16, 2018


I must say that this looks like the perfect product that I have been looking for as a new person trying to build an email list and not knowing what to really do. As we all have experienced as a new person , we all through periods of trial and error on trying to make this work. With the pleasure of this software it looks like it I will be able to use my time more efficiently, you know the saying work smarter not harder.

    Stephanie - May 24, 2018

    Hi Owassa, thanks for commenting.

    I agree, this would be a good way to build a list if you’re able to purchase the upgraded membership.

    Overall, if you’re willing to put the effort in, then I believe this program could work for you.

    If you do decide to give it a go, let me know how you get on.

    All the best! 🙂

Tom - May 16, 2018


Excellent article.

Covert commissions does sound pretty legit and from your conclusion, it is one of the programs that I might have tried out.

I like your site and pages so I have bookmarked it for the future.

Keep up the good work.



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