3 Misconceptions About Wealthy Affiliate You NEED To Know - Precious New Start

3 Misconceptions About Wealthy Affiliate You NEED To Know

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There are quite a few misconceptions about Wealthy Affiliate...

...and those myths could be potentially be preventing you from finding your way to success online through Affiliate Marketing. 

Chances are, you've reached this page because you're doing in-depth research about Wealthy Affiliate, trying to decide if it's worth joining or worth upgrading.

misconceptions about wealthy affiliate fact or myth

Image from premiertintco

If that's the case, then I want to say "well done" for wanting to learn more.

With TONS of positive reviews online, it's difficult to really know the truth about Wealthy Affiliate.

Ultimately, I want to take on a different perspective on presenting Wealthy Affiliate to you, and help you "debunk" some of the most common myths and misconceptions about Wealthy Affiliate. 

I aim to be as transparent as possible, while also sharing my own personal experiences of the training platform. 

So, let's not waste any more time and delve into these top 3 misconceptions...


1) Wealthy Affiliate Is A Pyramid Scheme

One of the most common misconceptions about Wealthy Affiliate is that it's a pyramid scheme. 

According to Wikipedia, a pyramid scheme is:

"is a business model that recruits members via a promise of payments or services for enrolling others into the scheme, rather than supplying investments or sale of products." 

Photo by David McEachan from Pexels

So, basically, it involves solely recruiting other members to the program without selling any actual or tangible product or service. 

The good thing about Wealthy Affiliate is that it is faaar from being a pyramid scheme. 

Yes, there are some members who promote Wealthy Affiliate in order to get others to join and in turn they earn an income.

However, the difference between Wealthy Affiliate and pyramid schemes is that you DO NOT need to promote Wealthy Affiliate or recruit others in order to make money with their training.

The main aim of Wealthy Affiliate is to help you create niche websites about topics you're interested in, and you build an affiliate business about those topics. 

For example, if you had an interest in knitting, the training at Wealthy Affiliate is geared to help you earn an affiliate income with a knitting based affiliate website. 

Using myself as an example, below is a screenshot of earnings from my niche website.

I followed the Wealthy Affiliate Training step-by-step and was able to grow my monthly earnings with one of my niche sites.

Thanks to the training at Wealthy Affiliate, I was able to earn a monthly income from a niche website that had nothing to do with Wealthy Affiliate.

I never promoted it on my niche site, yet the training at Wealthy Affiliate gave me the knowledge and tools to earn a monthly income, and I'm still earning to this day, even though I haven't written a blog post on the site since 2018. 

2) Wealthy Affiliate Teaches It's Members To "Bash" Other Companies

This is another popular misconception about Wealthy Affiliate which you need to avoid. 

Sadly, there are a number of Wealthy Affiliate affiliates that do take it upon themselves to completely "bash" other companies and make them out to be scams, even if they may not be.

However, this is not a feature of Wealthy Affiliate, and it's not something they ask their members to do. 

All Wealthy Affiliate teaches is how to review other products and make a factual comparisons

At the end of the day, it's up to the affiliate how they choose to do that, and if they choose to "bash" other companies, Wealthy Affiliate shouldn't be blamed for this.

When I write reviews for other products/companies, I try to be as unbiased as I can and share my own experiences in most occasions. 

The only way I can identify a product/company as a scam is if they use specific tactics to part unsuspecting buyers with their hard earned cash.

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My tip for any new member of Wealthy Affiliate is to avoid the "make money online" niche initially. That niche has become extremely saturated, and if you're a compete beginner, then you'll find it very difficult to progress with the Wealthy Affiliate bootcamp training. 

Instead, you should stick to their "Online Entrepreneur Certification" training. With this training, you'll be able to pick a niche you enjoy and build an affiliate website with that. 

This is better for you because it means you're less likely to be competing with so many other bloggers, and you have a better chance of actually earning a profitable affiliate income.

Once you've earned using your niche affiliate site, then you can use those earnings as a way to promote Wealthy Affiliate. 

Remember the screenshot I shared above for my niche website? Well, at that time, I was actually earning more money from my niche site than my Wealthy Affiliate site.

Generally there's less competition with some other niches and you don't have to compete with all the tons of other Wealthy Affiliate members in the "make money online" niche. 

This just reconfirms my stance of starting a niche site before ever promoting Wealthy Affiliate. 

3) Wealthy Affiliate Is For EVERYONE

Another top misconception about Wealthy Affiliate is that it's a training platform for everyone. 

Although I think the training is suitable for many people, I believe there are people who are not suitable for this platform, and there are likely to be better training platform available.

For example, you may not benefit from Wealthy Affiliate if you're an experienced marketer who already has all the basic trainings of affiliate marketing. 

Additionally, if you're looking for a way to get rich quick, then you definitely won't find that in Wealthy Affiliate. 

Wealthy Affiliate is a platform that focuses on helping you build an online business. So at the beginning, earning will be very slow, but once you stick at it and get your rhythm going, then you'll start seeing success which can last longer term.

So, Who IS Wealthy Affiliate For?

Wealthy Affiliate is for:

1) Beginner Marketers - Complete beginners will benefit from Wealthy Affiliate because it has all the tools you need to get started. With their platform you get:

  • Beginner friendly training
  • A supportive community of like-minded individuals
  • The ability to create multiple websites, all full hosted within Wealthy Affiliate
  • Keyword research tool that will help you find blog post ideas and keywords to rank your website on search engines
  • The ability to offer and receive feedback and comments on your site to improve your sites engagement
  • and much more...

As a beginner, you'll get a ton of tools and resources to really get you started on the right foot. 

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2) Intermediate Marketers - Those who have some idea of affiliate marketing but require advance training and tools to skyrocket your affiliate success.

3) Those Ready To Invest In Their Business - Wealthy Affiliate isn't for people who are not willing to invest some money for their business. If you're always looking for free opportunities, then you may not gain much from Wealthy Affiliate, especially as their free starter membership is very limited after the first 7 days.

Wealthy Affiliate members need to be willing to invest in specific tools to be successful with their training. For example, you will need:

  • Premium membership - the first, and most important, feature you need to invest in, in order to be successful with Wealthy Affiliate, is to upgrade to their premium membership. This upgrade will open up A TON of advance training and tools that'll really help you be success with their platform. 

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  • Domain(s) - these can be purchased from Wealthy Affiliate for less than $15, and they include free SSL (which other providers may not include). Not just that, but Wealthy Affiliate offer a credit system, so if you have enough credits, you can use that towards domain purchases. However, you can always purchase your domains from providers such as GoDaddy or Namecheap (pricing from $0.99-$10 depending on their offers at the time)
  • Advance keyword research tool - Currently, members of Wealthy Affiliate are provided with a keyword research tool called Jaaxy. However, this tool is slightly limited, unless you upgrade. I personally have the Jaaxy Pro membership, and it offers more data to help you fully analyse keywords and get them ranking quickly.

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These are my most recommended financial investments you need if you really want to be successful with Wealthy Affiliate. 

Of course, you don't HAVE to purchase any of them, but if you're struggling as a free member, or you're looking for a way to make affiliate marketing work for you, then you really need to consider these investments to better yourself and your success.

Final Thoughts

Thank you for making it to the end of this list of misconceptions about Wealthy Affiliate.

I hope I've given you an insight into some of the most common misconceptions about Wealthy Affiliate, and why they are exactly that...misconceptions!

The aim of this post was to highlight ideas and myths internet users have about Wealthy Affiliate and why they are false, and I hope I've been able to achieve that.

If you still have question or queries about Wealthy Affiliate, then be sure to leave a comment in the section below. 

Want To Discover How I Use Wealthy Affiliate To Earn $100+ In A Day?! 

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3 common misconceptions about wealthy affiliate you need to know

Blogger, Online Marketer and full-time music lover. Thank you for reading my posts! I share my experiences of making money online as well as providing useful tips and advice to those who are interested in starting an online business. I enjoy writing reviews and giving an insight into what has worked for me and what hasn't. If you like what I write here be sure to share my posts with others!

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