AthenaSuite Review – $300 A Day With Your Instagram Account?! [INSIDER LOOK] - Precious New Start

AthenaSuite Review – $300 A Day With Your Instagram Account?! [INSIDER LOOK]

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Welcome to my honest AthenaSuite review.

Today I want to share with you a new product that has launched which offers a combination of training, software and done-for-you content that aims to allow anyone to completely dominate Instagram.

So many marketers struggle to successfully tap into the worlds largest social media network and earn money.

But what if there was a software and training platform that could automate the whole process and turn your Instagram account into a cash machine...with no monthly fees? 

Introducing AthenaSuite...

This is a complete package of training, software and done-for-you pieces of content that has been shown to explode the income that can be generated from niche Instagram accounts.

But can AthenaSuite really live up to these claims, or is it just another overhyped software tool trying to grab your hard earned cash?

The fact that you've reached this review shows me 3 things:

  • You're interested in discovering the truth about AthenaSuite
  • You want to learn how to dominate Instagram and turn traffic into sales
  • You want an Instagram automation tool that works in any niche

If any of these apply to you, then congrats on making it here, and I look forward to sharing my findings with you. 

So, let's not waste any more time and uncover the truth...

Product Name: AthenaSuite


Owner: Simon Warner + Simon Greenhalgh

Price: From $27 + UPSELLS

Rating: 60/100

Type of Product: Instagram Automation

Launch Date: 26th February 2020 to 2nd March 2020

Verdict?: LEGIT

Athenasuite review software


What is AthenaSuite?

athenasuite review salespage

AthenaSuite is software and training platform that aims to automatically grow your Instagram account in any niche. 

Ultimately, the aim of AthenaSuite is to help you:

  • Spend less time trying to find the perfect niche
  • Stop manually following hundreds of people on Instagram every day
  • Eliminate the need to create content and share it daily from scratch
  • Save money hiring freelancers and assistants
  • Cut out the cost of spending hundreds on autoresponder and page builders. 

With AthenaSuite you have the chance to automatically build your list, access ready-made content and funnel your followers to an email list with ready made landing pages. 

If that sounds like something you're interested in, then check out the video below to really see it in action!

How Does AthenaSuite Work? [DEMO]

The video demo below shows more of AthenaSuite in action:

Pricing + Upsells

Here's a breakdown of the pricing of AthenaSuite pricing and the upsells that are included:

athenasuite review funnel

AthenaSuite - $27-$37 OTO

This is the main software you'll be using to create automate your Instagram account from "ZERO to $300+ per day". 

Follow the system system and automate the process with the AthenaSuite software.

athenasuite review athenasuite pro

Upsell 1: AthenaSuite PRO ($67 OTO)

With AthenaSuite Pro you'll have the chance to unlock the unlimited power of the entire package. 

Get access to unlimited Instagram accounts, unlimited follows and unfollows PLUS an unlimited agency license.

Plus, you'll be given access to industry leader interviews, live sessions and brand new Instagram marketing strategies via the exclusive AthenaSuite FB group.

 athenasuite review athenasuite dfy

Upsell 2: AthenaSuite DFY ($197 OTO)

This package is a big "done-for-you" collection of assets including:

  • 12,000+ Movies & Facts Images
  • 180,000+ Text Quotes
  • 39,000+ Recipes
  • 2,000+ Fitness Videos
  • 4,000+ Fitness Images
  • PLUS Over 1,000 Motivational Videos
athenasuite review athenasuite traffic

Upsell 3: AthenaSuite Traffic ($197 OTO)

AthenaSuite Traffic will give members access to unlimited buyer traffic without spending a dime on paid ads.

This offer is insanely valuable, it will allow ANYONE to tap into the exact same powerful traffic source that the owners use in their own businesses.

athenasuite review athenasuite retailer

Upsell 4: AthenaSuite Retailer ($397 OTO)

Get access to the entire AthenaSuite Funnel. 

You'll be able to sell all of the products as though they were their own.

This is a golden opportunity to sell high quality training, software and Done-For-You assets as your own and keep 100% of the revenue.

That’s almost $900 of revenue for you, with sales pages, support team and product delivery systems.

If you were to purchase all the upsells at full price, along with the full AthenaSuite Software, you could be spending over $800.

Although these upsells are optional, and not needed to make the main software work, I just wanted to make you aware of potential extra costs.

What I Like About AthenaSuite...

  • Offers a "Done-For-You" solution to grow your Instagram account
  • Newbie friendly
  • 30 Day Money Back Guarantee
  • Works in any niche
  • 30-Day Challenge to motivate you to go from "Zero to $300 per day"
  • Step-By-Step training videos to walk you through everything
  • No monthly fees
  • Built in autoresponder
  • Ready made landing pages

What I Don't Like About AthenaSuite...

Despite this being a legitimate software tool and a legitimate way to potentially grow and profit from your Instagram account, there are a few things missing from this that I'd like to touch on.

  • No Free Trial - It would be nice if this software had a free trial feature to give potential users a feel for the software before purchasing, but the demo video gives some good insight.
  • Main Software Probably Not Enough To Make $300/Day - Although AthenaSuite has amazing functionality, I feel that the main software alone may not be enough to help you earn $300 per day from your Instagram account. I imagine you'd need to purchase the other upsells to reach this amount.  Therefore, there's a chance you may not be fully satisfied with the main product. To get further information I'd encourage you to visit the sales page to find out more about what's included in each upsell.
  • Other Instagram Automation Tools Online - You may think there are other automation tools online, so what makes this one so different? I feel the main advantages are the elimation of monthly fees, and you get an autoresponder and landing page builder included, which other Instagram tools do not provide. So ultimately, it aims to not only help you grow your Instagram account, but to also build your list and make a profit. 

Final Thoughts 

Thank you for taking the time to read through this AthenaSuite review. 

I hope this review has given you more insight into AthenaSuite and how it can potentially be used to "dominate" Instagram and generate more sales.

All in all, this is a very high-quality software, but I'm not entirely sure the software on it's on is the secret "sauce" to making $300/day with Instagram. 

Even though you get access to this software and training, it's ultimately up to you to take action and it make it to achieve your $300/day goals.

Let's discuss:

What did you think of this AthenaSuite review?

Are you already using an Instagram automation tool in your business? What has your experience been?

Will you be adding a tool like AthenaSuite to your grow your Instagram account, email list and sales?

I'd love to hear your thoughts, comments and experiences in the comments section below.



Overall Rating


Blogger, Online Marketer and full-time music lover. Thank you for reading my posts! I share my experiences of making money online as well as providing useful tips and advice to those who are interested in starting an online business. I enjoy writing reviews and giving an insight into what has worked for me and what hasn't. If you like what I write here be sure to share my posts with others!

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