Make Money Online with Social Media: BoostInsider Review - Precious New Start

Make Money Online with Social Media: BoostInsider Review

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Easy To Use


Earning Potential



  • Free
  • Easy and simple
  • All you need is social media
  • Can choose what you'd like to promote


  • The amount you make depends on social influence
  • Paypal transaction fee when receiving payment
  • Most installs/clicks need to be from the US

UPDATE: Boostinsider is no longer a way to make money online.


What is BoostInsider?

BoostInsider is a website that pays you to promote the products you love on your social media accounts.

The website is absolutely free to join, and all you need are active social media accounts such as twitter, Facebook, Tumblr etc. 

Why should you use BoostInsider?

Boostinsider is a great way to share new apps with your friends/followers on your social media, while earning some extra money too. The more influence you have, the more money you can make.



Getting started:

It’s really simple to get started with Boostinsider

Step 1:

Sign up (Free) – After you’ve signed up, you are presented with campaigns that are related to you selected interests

Step 2:

Browse the cool campaigns – Have a read of the descriptions, and you can even download apps and games to see if you like them.

boostinsider browse campaigns

boostinsider browse campaigns

Screenshot: Browse Campaigns


Step 3:

Share on social media – Post about the campaign on your social media account(s) (e.g Tumblr, Facebook, Twitter, Youtube, Instagram etc)

Step 4:

Get paid! – You get paid based on the number of clicks or downloads. Remember to add your referral link  to your post so that you get paid for each unique click or download that goes through your link.

Step 5:

Increase your earnings – You can monitor your earning through the dashboard, and use this to track and improve your earnings.

How much can you get paid?

The amount you are paid depends on the price offered for your chosen campaign, and the amount of clicks or downloads you receive. Therefore, payments will vary from person to person, depending on your social influence. Remember to read the description of each campaign to be sure of how much you will be earning per click/download.


Receiving payment:

Payment is received through Paypal, and there is a minimum payout of $10

See payment proof below:



Pros and Cons:


  • Free
  • Easy and simple
  • All you need is social media
  • You get to choose the campaigns you wish to promote, and how you wish to promote them.
  • You can cancel your account at any point.


  • The amount you make depends on your social influence – You can improve this by being active on your social media accounts, and posting valuable content for your followers/subscribers.
  • You must have a Paypal account if you wish to receive payments, and there is a transaction fee of 2.9% + $0.30 per transaction
  • Most of the campaigns I’ve seen so far only credit you if your installs come from the United States, which means those of us in other countries need to have a good number of US followers/subscribers to make profits. However, there are a few that will also credit from other countries, such as United Kingdom.
boostinsider installs

Screenshot: Depending on the individual campaign, you’ll be credited based on the location of your downloads/installations


In conclusion, BoostInsider is a good way to make some extra money. It’s completely free to join, and all you really need is active social media accounts. In order to start being successful with this website you’ll need to build your social influence, and become more active on your social media accounts. Some popular accounts include Facebook, Twitter and Tumblr, but you can use other accounts too. However, you also need to take into account that you’ll need to have a significant number of U.S. followers to make profits, and the transaction fees involved when you withdraw your money. With that being said, there is still money to be made, and it can be a fun way of trying new games/apps and make some extra money by sharing it with your friends/followers. So, if you’re interested, you can get started with BoostInsider right now!


Have you ever used BoostInsider? If so, what are your experiences so far? Feel free to share in the comments below.

P.S. Find Out How You Can Turn Your Passion Into A Success Business Online And Sign Up For Free Today!


Blogger, Online Marketer and full-time music lover. Thank you for reading my posts! I share my experiences of making money online as well as providing useful tips and advice to those who are interested in starting an online business. I enjoy writing reviews and giving an insight into what has worked for me and what hasn't. If you like what I write here be sure to share my posts with others!

Click Here to Leave a Comment Below 4 comments
Skye Fox - September 26, 2018

Thank you for sharing your information on how to make money online, your information seems very helpful to what I am trying to learn. I have known for a long time that people make money using things like Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and other social media I just never understood how until now! Do you know if you are able to make multiple social media accounts at the same time? Thanks again!

    Stephanie - October 4, 2018

    Hi Skye, thanks for commenting, and a very good question. Yes, with some social media you are able to create multiple accounts. I currently have multiple Instagram, Twitter and Facebook page accounts. So it is possible. If you’re looking for some ways to make money online with social media, then you can take a look at my recommended suggestions here (#11).

    I hope this answers your questions. All the best!

Hans - November 13, 2016

Hello there Stephanie
That’s a great way of making some extra money using social sites. And the best thing is that it is free to do so.
I myself spend a lot of time on Facebook and Twitter. I might as well start monetizing my social time using boostinsider!
Thanks for the great info and I will for sure check this out.

    Stephanie - December 11, 2016

    Hi Hans. Thanks for commenting.

    I agree, Boostinsider is a nice easy way to make some extra money online using social media.

    Hopefully, you’ll be able to find some campaigns to fit your social audience. I look forward to hearing how you get on.

    All the best!


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