Cash Formula Review [2019] – Is It A Scam or $5k A Day Opportunity - Precious New Start

Cash Formula Review [2019] – Is It A Scam or $5k A Day Opportunity

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Welcome to my Cash Formula Review for 2019!

What if I told you that you never had to work again?...

...because you were earning up to $5k/day while working online for 30 mins a day?

Earning $5k/day would give you complete financial freedom to do whatever the heck you want right?!

Well, Cash Formula claims it can help you achieve this.

But what is Cash formula really about, and can it really live up to these bold claims?

The fact that you've made it to this page shows me you're interested in discovering the truth.

If that's the case, then congratulations on taking this step to do your research before getting further into the website. 

So, without taking up too much time, let's get into this review... 

Product Name: Cash Formula


Owner: "Michael"

Price: $37 + Upsells

Rating: 2/10

Type of Opportunity: Amazon/Affiliate Marketing

Recommended?  NO 

cash formula review logo


What Is Cash Formula?

cash formula review salespage

Cash Formula is an online platform that claims to help you earn up to $5k a day online.

Not just that, but they also make additional bold claims, reporting to help you earn $100k in 30 days.

Gosh, these are really bold claims right?!

So, as you read through this review, watch as I delve deeper into the sales video and uncover my interesting findings.

How Does It Work?

Based on the sales video, it's not 100% clear how this program will actually be working.

All we can see so far is that it involves either eCommerce and/or Affiliate Marketing.

The fact that you don't really discover what you'll be doing before you hand over your money, is a huge red flag!

So, you won't actually find out about how you'll be making money until you pay the $37.

Is Cash Formula A Scam? Here's The Truth...

It's clear that this product has a number of RED flags that you have to watch out for, even just from watching the sales video alone. 

The fact that I was able to quickly identify these signs, indicates that this product will not work as well as they claim, and has clear signs of another overhyped product. 

1. Overhyped Income Claims

cash formula review overhyped claims 1
cash formula review overhyped claims 2

The income claims are totally overhyped in the sales video. They claim you can earn as much as $5K in only 24 hours?!

Come on, can that really be possible?!

The claims in this video are incredibly over the top, and not believable. 

Not just that, but the EXACT same income claim is also used in another "opportunity" I reviewed a few months back called Fast Cash Club.

Take a look at the screenshots below:

cash formula review copy cat income claims

2. FAKE Testimonials

Similar to other online products I've reviewed, like this one, the sales video contains fake testimonials.  

So, not only have you got overhyped, and copy cat income claims, but you've also got these fake testimonials. 

The testimonials in this video are just actors hired from Fiverr to give the impression that they've made money using this system. 

This actor below offers his services on Fiverr and has been featured in many other online "opportunities". 

cash formula review fake testimonial

Not only that, but as you watch his testimonial, it's very clear that's he's just reading off a script...this just further shows that his testimonial is not legit at all!

3. FAKE Owner

cash formula review fake owner

If the overhyped claims and fake testimonials weren't enough...take a look at this FAKE owner.

Michael...or so he says...doesn't exist!

This image featured in the sales video is just a stock image which has been taken from another website, and it's even also been featured on other websites online. 

If the owner can't be real with you, how can you be sure that this product is going to give you the real deal?!

4. "Done For You" System

As soon as I hear "Done For You" on any platform, my red flag signals are raised very high.

The problem with DFY systems is that they don't provide you with the opportunity to learn the online skills yourself.

Therefore, you end up relying on this product/system to do the work for you, and you're not able to repeat those results for yourself. 

cash formula review done for you

So, imagine if this product goes out of business!

What do you do then?

You'll have no idea how to restart your business because everything was "done for you". 

In my opinion, that's not the right way to do online business. 

Yes, it may (or may not) give you the money right away, but it doesn't give you the opportunity to create a long and sustainable business model which you can repeat and scale up. 

Therefore, I would encourage to stay away from "DFY" systems, unless you already have the necessary skills and are just looking for an easier option. 

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5. Similar Logo To Another "Opportunity"

I noticed right away that the logo for Cash Formula was almost identical to the logo for another program I reviewed called Digital Formula. 

cash formula review similar logo

This raised some red flags, and even though the business models are different, I thought it was quite interesting that they had such similar logos. 

It gives me the impression that they're done by the same person(s).

6. Not Clear How You'll ACTUALLY Be Making Money

Throughout the beginning of the sales video, there's a lot of talk about eCommerce and it initially appears that this program is going to help you build an eCommerce business, with Amazon. 

But as I continued to watch the sales video, the angle changed towards the end, and it appeared as though the business opportunity is Affiliate Marketing.

Unfortunately, the fact that the sales video isn't very clear about the business method raised more red flags in my books. 

How can you trust a program that isn't transparent about what you'll be doing from the start?

7. Hidden Upsells

Unfortunately, Cash Formula is one of those products that will entice you with a low entry fee and then surprises you with upsells right after you sign up. 

Upsells are not uncommon in online business, however, the trouble comes when you have a product like this that bombards you with upsells to scam you out of your money. 

At first, it doesn't look like you'll be paying more than the $37, but after some digging, I managed to discover that affiliates of this "system" can earn almost $400 per customer. 

cash formula review hidden upsells

This highlights the fact that there are more products being upsold after a buyer enters the front end offer, which means you'll be spending so much more than the $37 entry fee which you're initially presented with.


  • 60 Day Money Back Guarantee


  • Overhyped Income Claims
  • FAKE Testimonials
  • FAKE Owner
  • Not Clear What You'll Be Doing
  • Similar Logo To Another Online Biz Opp
  •  Hidden Upsells

Final Thoughts

Thank you for making it to the end of this Cash Formula review.

I hope I've given you as much information about this system as possible, and now you know what Cash Formula all about.

Ultimately, there may be a few valid training videos/articles in the back end, but all those red flags suggest to me that this product was only designed to take your hard earned cash.

There's no indication that this product will make you successful online and it's HIGHLY unlikely you'll be making $5k within 24 hours. 

Unfortunately, online scams are all around us, which is why I'm so passionate about writing reviews, such as this, to warn people of products that are just out to take your money. 

As a fellow victim of online scams, I strive to help you find the best legitimate products online.

If you'd rather ditch the online scams and discover how I earn an income online, click that GREEN button below for access to my ultimate make money online guide. (...psst it's FREE)

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Let's discuss:

What did you think of this Cash Formula review?

What are your thoughts on the eCommerce and/or Affiliate Marketing business model?

How about those red flags? Is there anything else you noticed about this program?

I'd love to hear your thoughts, comments and experiences in the comments section below.

Cash Formula Summary

$37 + Upsells
cash formula review logo

Overall Rating



  • 60 Day Money Back Guarantee


  • Overhyped Income Claims
  • FAKE Testimonials
  • FAKE Owner
  • Hidden Upsells
  • Not Really Clear How You'll Make Money

Blogger, Online Marketer and full-time music lover. Thank you for reading my posts! I share my experiences of making money online as well as providing useful tips and advice to those who are interested in starting an online business. I enjoy writing reviews and giving an insight into what has worked for me and what hasn't. If you like what I write here be sure to share my posts with others!

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