Cash Rebel Review: Scam or Legit Money-Maker? - Precious New Start

Cash Rebel Review: Scam or Legit Money-Maker?

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Is Cash Rebel the real deal or just another online scam?

In this video, I’ll dive deep into the Cash Rebel website to uncover the truth about their bold claims of earning up to $500 a day.

As someone who has reviewed numerous money-making opportunities online, I’ve developed a keen eye for spotting red flags.

Let’s see what Cash Rebel is all about and whether it’s a legitimate way to boost your income or a waste of your time.

What is Cash Rebel?

Cash Rebel is a website that claims you can “say goodbye to financial worries” and earn up to $500 a day by completing tasks and earning high rewards.

They even boast that you can earn a $50 sign-up bonus to entice new users, and $100 per offer.

However, upon closer inspection, I discovered several red flags:

Red Flag #1

One of the first red flags is the website’s age. was only created in February 2024, making it a very new at the time of recording my review.

This raises questions about the platform’s experience and track record, especially when it claims to have “3 years of experience” and over 300,000 users who have cashed out more than $3 million.

Such bold claims for a website that’s barely two months old at the time of my review are highly questionable and often indicative of deception.

Red Flag #2

Another concerning aspect is the inconsistent information presented on the website.

For example, the homepage states a $50 sign-up bonus, while the sign-up page itself only offers a $40 bonus.

This discrepancy suggests a lack of transparency and attention to detail, which are crucial qualities for a legitimate platform.

Red Flag #3

Furthermore, the website’s use of the Trustpilot logo to imply positive reviews is a blatant misrepresentation.

A quick search on Trustpilot reveals that has zero reviews, at the time of recording, contradicting the claims of a 5-star rating.

This type of misleading tactic is a common tactic employed by scam websites to create an illusion of credibility.

Red Flag #4

During the sign-up process, I intentionally provided only a partial email address, rather than my actual information.

Surprisingly, the website still managed to create an account for me without any verification or confirmation email.

This is a significant red flag, as legitimate platforms would typically require proper email verification to ensure the integrity of their user base and payment processes.

Red Flag #5

Finally, I conducted an experiment by sharing my referral link on Facebook. Instantly my “earnings” on Cash Rebel increased by $6, claiming I had received three clicks. However, I had only shared the link with myself, using the “Only Me” share function of Facebook, which meant I had ZERO clicks or signups.

This blatant fabrication of earnings is a clear indication that is manipulating the numbers to make users believe they’re earning money.

My Verdict – Is A Scam or Legit?

After analysing the red flags, it became clear that Cash Rebel is not what it seems. Therefore it is my firm conclusion that is a scam and should be avoided at all costs.

The website’s numerous red flags, including its unrealistic claims, inconsistent information, misleading marketing tactics, and fabricated earnings, strongly suggest that this platform is designed to deceive and exploit unsuspecting users.

In my experience, websites like are often part of data harvesting schemes or other nefarious activities that aim to steal personal information and take advantage of individuals seeking legitimate online earning opportunities.

Engaging with such platforms puts your financial security and personal data at risk, and I cannot, in good conscience, recommend as a genuine option for earning money online.

Legit Ways to Make Money Online With “Get Paid To” Websites

“Get Paid To” (GPT) websites allow you to earn money online by completing various tasks such as online surveys, downloading apps, playing games, searching online etc.

And while Cash Rebel may not be a legitimate GPT opportunity, there are still genuine ways to make money online with tasks.

So, if you’re genuinely interested in earning money online through legitimate means, I would encourage you to explore legitimate GPT (Get-Paid-To) sites.

These platforms offer users the opportunity to earn small amounts of money by completing surveys, watching videos, or performing other simple tasks.

While the earnings may not be as substantial as the bold claims made by, these GPT sites are known to be transparent, reliable, and secure, ensuring that you can earn a little extra income without the risk of falling victim to a scam.

My #1 Recommendation – Affiliate Marketing

Affiliate marketing is a low-entry, high-potential opportunity for those looking to make money online.

By promoting products or services and earning a commission on sales, you can build a sustainable income stream.

To learn more about getting started with affiliate marketing, I highly recommend exploring affiliate marketing.

This business model allows you to leverage the power of the internet to promote products or services and earn commissions on sales. With the right training and strategies, affiliate marketing can provide a path to building a thriving online business. If you’re interested in learning more, I’ve put together a collection of free affiliate marketing courses that can help you get started on the right foot.


In conclusion, Cash Rebel exhibits numerous red flags that suggest it is a scam. I would not recommend investing your time or personal information into this website.

With its unrealistic income claims, lack of transparency, and manipulative tactics, it’s clear that this is not a legitimate way to make money online.

Instead, focus your efforts on proven methods like online surveys or affiliate marketing.

Remember always to research and be cautious of any opportunity that seems too good to be true.

Stay vigilant, and don’t fall victim to the false promises of scams like


Blogger, Online Marketer and full-time music lover. Thank you for reading my posts! I share my experiences of making money online as well as providing useful tips and advice to those who are interested in starting an online business. I enjoy writing reviews and giving an insight into what has worked for me and what hasn't. If you like what I write here be sure to share my posts with others!

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