How To Start A Blog Archives - Precious New Start


Category Archives for "How To Start A Blog"

5 Best MyThemeShop Premium WordPress Themes Worth Buying [REVIEW]

Looking for a new theme for your blog or website?

But how do you decide which theme to buy?

Maybe you're thinking...

Do I really need a premium theme?

How much will it cost?

Will my site look more professional?

mythemeshop premium wordpress themes mockups

If any of these thoughts have come through your mind, then congrats on making it to this post, and welcome to my MyThemeShop review.

Chances are you've heard about MyThemeShop premium WordPress themes and may be wondering if they're worth buying.

In this review, I want to highlight the benefits of purchasing a premium theme and why I recommend MyThemeShop premium WordPress themes, especially for those on a budget. 

Plus, I will share with you my 5 best MyThemeShop premium WordPress themes to help you choose the right theme for you. 

So, let's get into this review...

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7 Practical Ways To Save Money Online As A Blogger

Do you ever wish there was a way you could save money on blogging tools?

…And to invest in the tools you actually need for your blogging business?

By now I bet you feel like you have to get every tool under the sun because all the “gurus” are recommending them.

Each one feels like another expense to add to your ever-growing list, right?

That’s why I want to share with you some practical ways you can save on blogging tools and still build a successful business.

I’ve listed these tips with the goal to help you make smarter choices with your blogging tools and to help you focus on the ones YOU need the most.  Continue reading


How To Start A Blog On A Budget (Step-By-Step) – For Less Than $50

I want to share with you, step by step, how to start a blog on a budget.

If you’ve ever been interested in starting a blog or website, you’ve probably noticed by now that there are some money costs involved.

Although I’ve talked in the past about creating a free website, you’re going to need to upgrade to a fully self-hosted blog if you’re truly serious about monetising and blogging for business.

You Don't Need To Be Wealthy To Start A #Blog. Get Started For Less Than $50 #blogging Click To Tweet

I’ll Be Sharing The Exact Steps I Used To Start A New Blog

Aside from this blog, I also have another niche blog, which I was able to start with less than $50.

At the time I wasn’t earning much, as I was only working part-time and on a low wage. But I knew I wanted to create a blog for my new niche. Despite this, I was successfully able to find a way to start a blog on a budget.

So, all the steps I share in this post will be the same steps and tools I personally used to start the new blog.

Some of the tools I list are ones that I have also used on this blog.

(Therefore, I will only recommend things I have used myself, or I feel will be an appropriate alternative to my suggestions).

Alright…let’s break down what you’ll be learning in this guide!

Step 1: Picking A Niche & Knowing What To Blog About (FREE)

Step 2: Choosing Hosting And Domain ($43.06)

Step 3: Installing WordPress (FREE)

Step 4: Creating A Logo ($0-$15)

Step 5: Choosing A Theme (FREE)

Step 6: Building An Email List (FREE)

Bonus: Additional FREE Tools To Build Your Blog + Biz Continue reading