10 We’re officially one week into the new year, and I bet you’ve been thinking of different ways to make 2018 better than 2017.
Now’s the time that everyone is setting their “New Years Resolutions”
The thing is…resolutions are generally all talk, and no action.
What about having a plan instead!
A plan to be more organised and more productive?
If you’re anything like me, then you’ve been wanting to tackle these habits for a while now…and the start of the new year seems like the best time to do it right?….right!
So, the goal of this post is to share with your my 3 best planners for entrepreneurs that’ll make you more organised, more productive and help you achieve your financial goals.
1: “CREATE” Blog and Editorial Planner

Pick this planner if: You’re a blogger and solopreneur looking for a planner dedicated to helping you organise your blogging strategy, create intentional content, “smash through your blogging goals”, and effectively get more done.
Price: £13.66
==> Click Here To Buy “CREATE: Planner” From Amazon <==
This planner was created by Meera Kothand with the intention to help bloggers “Create Exceptional Content, Get More Done and Smash Through Your Blogging Goals”.
The content within this planner is designed to help you achieve your blogging and business goals, and everything in the planner is definitely geared towards that purpose.
I feel this is one of the best planners for entrepreneurs because it isn’t just a place for you to jot down your goals, or make a daily to-do list. It’s an opportunity to outline real actions to successfully grow your blog and business.
With this planner, you get to:
- Plan your year ahead with any major dates and/or projects
- Set quarterly goals and view your month and quarter at a glance
- Organise your finances by outlining your blog/business expenses for the year and coming up with revenue goals.
- Create content with an end goal…a purpose. This planner prompts you to come up with content ideas that have a purpose and to also incorporate a content upgrade.
- Review your months to track the figures that matter most for your blog, and give you an insight into your audience.
- Then you get to review your quarter, with question prompts to really help you analyse your current strategy and look at what you can do to change/adapt.
So, if you’re ready to ditch the “shiny objects” and see real growth, then this planner is for you.
- Dedicated To Bloggers And Solopreneurs – I really like that this planner is specifically geared towards bloggers and solopreneurs. So it means that the content and the tasks are focused on helping you grow your blog and brand.
- Lots Of Space To Make Notes – There’s a lot of space available to add notes and complete the tasks within the workbook
- Downloadable Bonuses – Meera has included some bonus material which can be downloaded and printed off. The bonuses include checklists which are geared towards identifying your blogging stage and going through the steps to move through each stage. As well as some additional free courses you can take to complement the tasks outlined in the planner.
- Can Start Using From Any Date – The planner isn’t dated, so essentially you can start using this planner from any date/month.
- Not Just A Place To List Your Goals – There is honestly so much value in this planner, and it’s clearly not a place where you just list your goals or a daily to-do list. It’s a place to track your growth and review your current strategy so you can implement changes to improve it.
- Inexpensive – For the amount of value you get out of this planner I think it’s very inexpensive and worth the investment.
- The Perfect Accompaniment To “The One Hour Content Plan” – This planner perfectly accompanies Meera’s book “The One Hour Content Plan”. This book is a great resource for anyone wanting to create the type of content which speaks to their audience and nurtures them. It’s also available to purchase on Amazon (Note: If you have Amazon Kindle Unlimited subscription you can get this book for less than £3)
- 5 Star Reviews – If you take a look at Amazon you’ll see that this planner has nothing but 5-star reviews, and as a user of this planner, I totally agree with this rating!
- Only Available As Paperback – So if you’re looking for a digital planner, then this won’t suit you. But as it requires a lot of writing, then it makes sense to have it in Paperback format.
- A4 size – The planner is approximately the same height as A4 paper, so this may be too big if you are hoping to have a planner which is more portable. However, the planner is quite similar to a workbook, and in that regards, the A4 size is appropriate for working through it.
Price: £13.66 (Buy From Amazon)
Complementary Resources, Downloads and Books
2: “Livvit” Planner

Pick this planner if: You’re looking for a planner that’ll not only allow you to outline your goals for 2018 and make you more organised but will also inspire and empower you, as well as make you much more productive.
Price: £25.95
==> Click Here To Buy “LIVVIT Planner” From Amazon <==
This diary sized planner is the perfect companion to help you reach your goals for 2018. The focus of this planner is to inspire you to be more productive.
It’s much more than a normal diary as it features weekly and monthly review layouts to encourage you to take on certain actions, such as developing a weekly morning routine, and self-reflection.
With this planner, you can also expect quick tip guides to help you push through obstacles such as:
- How to Beat Procrastination
- How to Take the First Steps in Anything
- How to Build Confidence
These are definitely some of the obstacles I personally need to work though, so it’s nice to have these quick tips to help me begin tackling them.
- Portable – This planner is A5 size so it’s great for having with you on the go. There’s an elastic strap as well to keep it all in place
- Inspiring Stories – One of my favourite things about this planner is the inclusion of inspiring stories. I’ve found them to be a much-needed motivation boost to continue working on my goals, and ultimately get through the year more productively.
- Motivational Quotes Every Week – With each week in the planner comes a new motivational quote. Another way drive you closer to your goals.
- A Chance to Review Each Week – At the end of each week is the opportunity to share the things that worked well and the things that didn’t. And to assess whether you’re progressing towards your monthly goals.
- Dedicated Plan for Each Month – With this planner, you have the chance to not only review the entire month but to also plan the next month ahead.
- Monthly Challenges – One unique feature of this planner is the incorporation of monthly challenges to help you out in daily life. Ranging from self-improvement to saving money, and from fitness to taking on a new hobby.
- Instructions on How to Use the Planner – I really like that there are some instructions to help you make full use of the planner and how to use it effectively.
- Not a Lot of Writing Space – Due to the smaller size of this planner, there’s less writing space available. So you don’t have much opportunity to brainstorm and write a lot. But in some ways, I think this could a good way to encourage you to keep things more simple and straight to the point. However, if need be, there are some blank pages at the back of the planner which can be used for notetaking.
- Dated from January to December 2018 – This planner is completely dated for the whole of 2018. For me this works, as I’ll be using it alongside my CREATE planner, so it helps to have one that is dated. So I’d recommend getting this planner early on, at least in the first quarter of 2018.
Price: £25.95 (Buy From Amazon)
3: “Slay Your Goals” Planner

Pick this planner if: You’re not too sure what your goal is yet, but you know you’re looking for an in-depth planner that’ll not only help you achieve yearly and monthly goals, but to also focus on your daily goals/to-dos, in different areas of your life.
Price: $27
==> Click Here To Purchase The “Slay Your Goals Planner” <==
This in-depth planner was created by one of my blogging friend Nadalie Bardo. She is definitely the go-to gal when it comes to bettering yourself and “slaying your goals!”.
This planner is one of the best planners for entrepreneurs I’ve come across online and it’s definitely worth the money.
It provides the means to really dig deep into your goals and set actionable steps and tasks to totally “slay” them. With the aid of mind-maps, worksheets, calendars and trackers, this is truly a one of a kind planner that goes beyond just setting an average list of goals.
Included in this planner is:
- Multiple templates for your yearly, monthly and daily goals
- Mind-maps, Life Grids and Intention Prisms to really help you brainstorm your goals and intentions.
- Motivational quotes for when you need them the most
- Guided prompts and examples
- …and much more
Even if you don’t know what your goals are yet, the start of this planner is geared toward setting your intention and choosing an area of your life to focus on.

- Value For Money – This planner truly is great value for money in my opinion. You can print out some of the templates multiple times and use them as often as you want.
- Lifetime Planner – Once you’ve purchased this planner, it’s yours to keep. So you can print it out as many times as you like. Although there are one or two calendars dated for 2018, most of the templates allow you to write your own dates. So there’s no expiry on this planner.
- Multiple Template Options – One of my favourite things about this panner is that there are multiple template options for yearly, monthly and daily goals. This means you can choose the template which suits you best and print it as many times as you need to. Thereby allowing you to tailor the planner to your preferences.
- Unique Design – You won’t find this design anywhere else. It’s completely unique to Nadalie
- Motivational Quotes – I love that there are so many motivational quotes throughout this planner, for when you need them most.
- Guided Prompts and Examples – You’ll find examples and prompts to help you fill out the different tasks within the workbook, so you’re not left feeling stuck.
- Can Be Used For Any Aspect Of Your Life – This planner isn’t just for one purpose, you can use it to tackle goals in any aspect of your life. Such as fitness, relationships, education and finances.
- Only available as digital copy – If you’re looking to get a paperback/hardback planner, then this will not be the most suitable option for you. However, this planner is printable, and you can always bind it and make it more personal. (Search “DIY Spiral Planner” on Youtube and you’ll find lots of tutorial videos to do this)
Price: $27 (Purchase securely through Nadalie’s website)

Complementary Resources, Downloads and Books
Not sure if you’re ready to purchase this planner? Then take a look at some of Nadalie’s FREE resources for 2018:
Additional Planners For Entrepreneurs
Here are a few extra digital planners you may want to consider if the ones above don’t fit your needs:
My Final Thoughts
There you have it, my top 3 best planners for entrepreneurs in 2018, reviewed.
I hope you found a planner that’s right for you. If so, be sure to let me know in the comments below.
These are the planners I personally recommend, but there are definitely many more planners available that may be a better fit for you.
Overall, the aim is to find a planner which caters to your own needs and what it is you want to achieve within the year.
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What are your thoughts on the planners I shared in this post?
Are you someone that regularly uses planners? If so, what are your favourite ones? And what do you usually look for in a planner?
What about those of you who’ve never used a planner before? Do you feel encouraged to get one this year?
Let me know your thoughts and comments in the section below, I’d love to get a discussion going!