Explode My Payday Review - Earn $1076.74/day?...WAIT! Here's The Explosive Reality! - Precious New Start

Explode My Payday Review – Earn $1076.74/day?…WAIT! Here’s The Explosive Reality!

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Welcome to my Explode My Payday review.

Imagine being able to earn $1076.74 per day with only 15-20 minutes work. 

That sounds like the dream right?!

What if Explode My Payday could help you achieve that?

The fact that you're on this page lets me know that you're interested to find out if Explode My Payday is a scam

If that's the case, then congratulations! Well done for making the decision to review this opportunity and discover the real truth for yourself. 

So, let's not waste any more time. Let's discover the truth together...

Product Name: Explode My Payday

Website: www.ExplodeMyPayday.com

Owner: Meaghan Harper - FAKE!

Price: $47 (or $17 Downsell) + Upsells

Rating: 1/10

Type of Opportunity: Affiliate Marketing

Recommended?  NO 


What Is Explode My Payday?

Explode My Payday is an online "system" that claims to be able to help you earn over $1000/day with just 15-20 minutes work, on autopilot.

How Does It REALLY Work?

Based on the sales video it's not very clear at first how you'll be making money. 

But after spending some time researching the product, I was able to discover that the basis of the system is Affiliate Marketing.

The problem with systems like this is that they create this overhyped sales video, but all you get in the end is mediocre, outdated and basic affiliate marketing training which you could have found very easily on Google or Youtube. 

Not only that, but there are TONs of red flags in this system, that I must bring your attention to!

Is Explode My Payday A Scam? Here's The EXPLOSIVE Truth...

There are SO many red flags in this program and it's important for me to point these out as it's shameful how they are able to get away with such things!

Based on these aspects listed below, I believe Explode My Payday is a scam...read these 9 points to discover why...

1. FAKE Testimonials

This "product" has no shame is presenting you with completely fake testimonials. 

As usual in products like that, no one ever mentions the name of the product in their testimonial...all they do is share how happy they are to be making thousands of dollars with little to no effort. 

But they never ever mention what they're doing to make it!

This sales video is no different.

2. "Owner" Claims You'll Be Making Money Within 24hrs!

Right from the beginning of the video, the "owner" of the system claims you'll be making money online 'today'. 

But think about it...

How is it possible for you to make money today when you have NO clue what you'll be doing to make this money. 

There are very few opportunities online where you join a program and you make money right away...especially when it comes to Affiliate Marketing. 

Just a typical shameless sales tactic to get you to part with your cash. 

3. FAKE Owner

Not only are the testimonials fake, but the owner is fake too!

There's no such owner as "Meaghan Harper", it's just a made up person with a photo taken from Shuttershock.

If the "system" is SO amazing, why use a fake profile? Why use a fake image?

To make matters worse, this "owner" has been used in other similar scams such as "Your Freedom Mentor"...just do a quick Google search for this term and you'll see what I mean.

4. Overhyped Income Claims

Similar to previous "make money online opportunities" I've reviewed, the sales video and sales page are FULL of overhyped income claims. 

Claims of $1000/day income results are totally unrealistic when starting out, and it's extremely unlikely for anyone to make this amount on their first instance making money online, and with no experience. 

My advice to you...don't believe the hype!

5. "Owner" Claims You Don't Need To Spend Money, Then Charges $47

At the beginning of the sales video, the "owner" mentions that you will not need to spend a single penny to get access to the "system"...however if you try to exit the page, you're presented with a pop-up offering the system for $47.

Then to top it off, if you decide to give your name an email, you'll be presented with another video, which has a "buy" button below for $47.

So, this claim that you don't need to spend any money is completely FALSE.

6. Hidden Upsells

Explode My Payday will end up costing you more than the $47 entry fee.

After some digging, I found that affiliates can earn up to $183 per customer. 

This shows me that there are upsells behind that $47 entry fee, and you can expect to spend more than $200 if you choose to purchase this product. 

A product that needs to hide behind upsells is a product I feel you should steer clear of!

7. Cannot Guarantee Success

Yes, it's true, you can not guarantee success in any product that you purchase. In the majority of cases, success in a program is dependant on the user. 

But in this case, even the T&Cs of Explode My Payday state that income and success is not guaranteed.

To me, this is a red flag and doesn't give me hope that anyone could earn using this system.

8. Enter Your Details and They May Sell Or Rent Your Data

To add salt to injury...if you choose to enter your details, just your name and email, the small print suggests that this "company" may go on to rent or sell on data.

So by providing them with your details, you are allowing them to have your data and use it any way they wish. 

Would you want to be part of a program that can do this to its customers?

9. FAKE Account

During the length of the second video, you're informed that an affiliate account has already been set up for you and is making money as you sit in your room, watching the video. 

Is this really true? Do you believe that you're making money while doing nothing?!


Exactly, it's NOT true...it's just another scammy sales tactic to get you to think it's easy to make money online. 

You can tell it's all fake just by looking at the screenshots. 

The "owner" claims this is all happening live during the video, but notice the times on the screenshot.

The first screenshot shows $240 at 6:25pm...then the second screenshot shows $625 at 12:40am!

Was I watching the sales video for 6 hours?!

Of course not.

You see, everything about this is fake!


  • 60 Day Money Back Guarantee


  • Fake testimonials
  • Fake owner
  • Fake account
  • Overhyped income claims
  • Hidden upsells
  • Lies about the cost of the program
  • Program may rent or sell your data
  • Not guaranteed any income or success
  • Too many red flags

How I Make Money Online With Affiliate Marketing...The Right Way!

Despite the prevalence of shameless online scams like this one, there is still hope for Affiliate Marketing, and it is still very possible to earn an income online with it. 

It's through Affiliate Marketing that I'm able to earn a monthly income online. Just take a look at the screenshot below which shows my monthly income increase dramatically over a 5 month period.

I followed the Wealthy Affiliate Training step-by-step and was able to grow my monthly earnings with one of my affiliate programs.

Plus...here are some other commission payments from other affiliate programs. 

I'm not sharing these to brag, but to give you a glimpse into the income potential that can be earned, thanks to Affiliate Marketing. 

Of course, your income could be more, or it could be less. As long as you know that there's no such thing as a "push-button", "automated" system that'll do all the work for you while you just sit back watching a sales video.

Affiliate Marketing is a business that requires hard work and determination.

If that's something you believe you can do, then I'd encourage you to take a look Wealthy Affiliate for FREE, and discover why it's my #1 recommended training platform for beginners. 

Final Thoughts

Thank you for getting to the end of this Explode My Payday review.

I can imagine it was very exhausting having to discover ALL those red flags, but it's very clear that this product was only designed to take your hard earned cash.

It's clear right away that there is nothing of value in this program, and you will definitely NOT be able to "explode" your payday by following this system.

Unfortunately, online scams are everywhere, which is why I'm so passionate about writing reviews, such as this, to warn people of products that are just out to take your money. 

As a fellow victim of online scams, I strive to help you find the best legitimate products online.

So, if you're interested in Affiliate Marketing and would like to follow in my footsteps, here's what you should do next...

Click the GREEN button below to get access to the starter membership today...completely FREE.

P.S: As a thank you for taking the time to do your research today, get access to the best affiliate marketing tools below, to supercharge your affiliate success!

Want Access To The Best Affiliate Tools? Enter Your Best Email To Download The "Super Affiliate Marketers Toolkit"

Let's discuss:

What did you think of this Explode My Payday review?

Is Explode My Payday a scam?

Are you an Affiliate Marketer? What methods do you use to earn an income online?

I'd love to hear your thoughts, comments and experiences in the comments section below.


Blogger, Online Marketer and full-time music lover. Thank you for reading my posts! I share my experiences of making money online as well as providing useful tips and advice to those who are interested in starting an online business. I enjoy writing reviews and giving an insight into what has worked for me and what hasn't. If you like what I write here be sure to share my posts with others!

Click Here to Leave a Comment Below 8 comments
Brody - October 20, 2018

Stephanie, great post giving a heads up on another scam out there. Any offer that make sit sound like you can make money immediately with putting in much work usually sets off a red flag for me. Good to know I’m not alone!

    Stephanie - November 16, 2018

    Hi Brody, thanks for sharing your thoughts. I agree, products like this have scam written all over it.

Queen - October 10, 2018

You are so right!this is really exhausting. You come across a program that you think will be of benefit to you only to realise its all scam, thanks to people like you that always expose them. I am happy to have checked this program out before falling a victim, I cant even believe they now go as far as using shutter stock images to heighten their deceipt. Thank you for saving me from yet another scammy product.

    Stephanie - October 14, 2018

    Hey Queen, thanks for commenting. Glad to hear my review helped you stay away from this and others like it. It’s such a shame that they would go to such lengths to scam people. I just hope I can continue to stop others falling victim to these scam sites, and direct them to the legitimate opportunities! All the best.

Stefan - October 10, 2018

Thanks for the warning about this, another scam. It’s almost hilarious the numbers of dollars these guys think of one can earn in a day without really working.
Of course, no online Money making program or training can guarantee a certain amount of money that can be made but, to promise that it is possible to make over $1000 a day without experience and without spending a lot of time on the computer is just a LIE.

When will people all over the world learn that this kind of promises all ends in disappointment?
It’s about time I think 🙂

    Stephanie - October 14, 2018

    Hi Stefan, thanks for joining the discussion. That’s the thing, most people looking for these opportunities are in desperate situations, so these scammers prey on those vulnerable emotions and unfortunately, many people fall for it. I just hope I can help others stay away from these scam sites and find the legitimate ones. Thanks for sharing your thoughts.

Simon - October 9, 2018

Hey Stephanie, thanks for helping us avoid Explode My Payday – Wow, this has all the classic details of a scam. I hope nobody falls into their trap.
A product that needs to hide behind upsells is the red flag everyone should steer clear of meanwhile I wouldn’t join any company that didn’t offer a genuine try before you buy starter membership to make sure you’re happy with their style of working.
Promoting a lifestyle that earns over $1,000 per day for doing 20 minutes work is simply a scam. At least the lady’s in a canoe, these systems usually exhibit yachts, flashy cars & wondrous homes – ha!
All the best,

    Stephanie - October 14, 2018

    Hi Simon, thanks for commenting and sharing your thoughts. Lol, that’s true about the canoe, it’s something different I guess. But still a shame it’s all fake! All the best to you too.


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