What Is Affiliate Commission Pro? - Is It Worth Your Money? - Precious New Start

What Is Affiliate Commission Pro? – Is It Worth Your Money?

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what is affiliate commission proName: Affiliate Commission Pro (ACP)

Website: www.AffiliateCommissionPro.com

Price: $1 Trial then $47/month + Upsells

Owners: Jeff Baxter, Huw Hughes, Aiden Corkery

Overall Ranking: 6/10 (but NOT worth monthly fee)


While researching this product I came across a lot of the Affiliate Commission Pro reviews that were pretty biased. Those promoting the program were basically just other affiliates who are looking for a sale, and only regurgitating what’s already on the sales page. What makes my review different is that I’ve actually purchased the product and I’m giving my full unbiased opinion. There are things I like about this program, but there are also many things I dislike about the program. I wanted to share with you a genuine insider view so you can make a balanced decision for yourself. So read on for my official Affiliate Commission Pro Review.


What Is Affiliate Commission Pro?

affiliate commission pro review


Affiliate Commission Pro is essentially a training program designed to help newbies succeed with Affiliate Marketing. The program provides training videos which are designed to give you the tools to make money online through affiliate marketing, and to help you make sales within a few days. Although the program teaches you how to make money selling the program, you are also able to use the training to help you sell other affiliate products.

It was started up by 3 internet marketers, Jeff Baxter, Huw Hughes and Aidan Corkery, and launched 16th March 2016.  Taking a look at their backgrounds, I can see they all have had success in the affiliate marketing world, so it would make sense that people would want to listen to the advice of those who have also been successful. However, is this program still worth your time and your money? Well, as you read on you’ll find out more.


Tools and Training:

affiliate commission pro review

ACP Tools and Training

Main Product: $47/month


9 Training videos

Marketing Center – This is where you’ll find the squeeze page you’ll be using to collect emails, and where you’ll connect your Aweber account to send your new list the “done-for-you” autoresponder email series. You’ll be taught how to set this up during the training. You will need to create an Aweber account, but luckily Aweber has a 30 free trial if you want to get started.

Tracking Software – This is where you’ll be able to track your leads and sales. It makes it easier to see everything in one place, and you can create unique tracking codes in order to help you identify where your leads and sales are coming from. This will also be taught/shown to you in the training videos.

Free Bonuses – You are given a bunch of free bonuses, which range from eBooks to other internet marketing programs. Some of the bonuses are links to other programs which require you to enter your email, so basically you’re joining someone else’s email list and they’ll be marketing their online programs to you.  I didn’t really make use of the bonuses, as they just didn’t appeal to me, and I wasn’t interested in joining any other programs.


What’s Included in the Video Training?


Video 1: Overview

This just gives you a brief overview about ACP and how to access the different sections

Video 2: Signup For Your Autoresponder

In this video, you will be creating an Aweber account (if you don’t already have one)

Video 3: Creating Your List and ACP Integration

In this video, Jeff will show you how to set up you list and integrate your Aweber account with ACP. It’s pretty straight forward and the training shows it in easy to follow steps.

Video 4: Setting Up Your Followup Messages

This video will teach you how to set up follow up messages in your Aweber account. Jeff will provide you with follow up messages to use as your autoresponder. He lays it out in a simple, easy to follow method so you are essentially copying and pasting the information he provides into your autoresponder.

Video 5: Building A 10K Mailing List Fast While Making Money Simultaneously

Here Jeff teaches you how to build a mailing list of up to 10k, and also earn money at the same time. The method he suggests to help you reach 10k subscribers is by using solo ads. He provides you with a reputable solo ads website and shows you how to purchase ads from  sellers that are worth the money. If you’re on a tight budget then this method will be difficult for you to implement, but he does offer a free facebook traffic method later on. The idea that you’ll be making money as well as building a list is based on the fact that, by getting your squeeze page out there, you are building a list and getting buyers to the ACP program at the same time. You’ll then learn how to use that method to increase your list up to 10k.

Video 6: Posting A Forum Classified Ad

In this video, you’ll be taught how to post a forum classified ad. This is also another paid traffic method.

Video 7 & 8: Free Traffic And Sales With Your Warm Market

In these 2 videos, he’ll show you how to get free traffic using Facebook. This is an option if you’re on a tight budget, however, I wish he would have presented some additional free methods, as I don’t feel this is enough. The warm market is basically people that you know, and I feel that, unless you know people on Facebook that would willing to join you in the make money online business, it’s not likely you’ll get people to join through this method.

Video 9: $10,000 a Month Selling Traffic

This video gives you a little insight into how you can use your newly formed 10k list as a way to make money more online. You’ll be shown a method that will allow you to benefit and make money using your large list. This method will only really work if you have a big list, so you’ll have to wait until then to really benefit from this tutorial. However, it’s still worth watching then you have an idea of what will be involved when you finally do reach 10k.

Upsells (One Time Offers):


#1 – Affiliate Social Pro: $17 OTO (4 videos)

Affiliate Social Pro

“Learn how to get absolutely free traffic with the power of social media!”


#2 – ACP 6 Figure Continuity Workshop: $47 OTO (1 video)

6 Figure Continuity Workshop

“Learn the secrets to getting thousands of people paying you monthly in your online business!”


#3 – ACP 6 Figure Endless Traffic Mastery: $27 OTO (13 videos)

Endless Traffic Mastery

“Discover how to get thousands of targeted visitors to your offers daily and never have “dry spells” in your business again!”



Unfortunately, I am unable to really comment on the quality or content of these training courses, as I did not purchase them. However, I do prefer the fact that they are one-time offers, rather than being a monthly offer which provides very little value for money.


Who is it for?

The program is mostly advertised for newbies (however, Jeff also does say it can be used my intermediate and expert marketers).  For a beginner, all the things you need, specifically for the program, are presented to you, and you’re encouraged to just copy and paste the content that is made available to you. If you’re a total newbie then this is helpful, but if you have some experience of Affiliate Marketing I would encourage using the content in your own style, or just creating your own content. When I was testing out the program I just followed the content they had provided in order to see if their content does well on its own. So at least the options are there for you to use their work or create your own.

The program is also suitable for:

  • Those looking to make money through affiliate marketing
  • Those who have tried for ages to succeed but have failed because of lack of instant results.
  • Those who are looking to build a list of buyers rather than freebie-seekers. This is helped by the fact that the program costs $1 to get started. This means you can reach out to people who are willing to buy a product/program, thereby potentially increasing your chance of converting leads into commission – I guess that makes sense.


Who is it NOT for?

Freebie-seekers. If you’re someone that’s constantly looking for something for free, this program is not for you. This program  requires money to get started, and to keep going, and that’s the kind of people they are looking for…people who are ready to buy.

Just to be clear, there’s absolutely nothing wrong with wanting something of value for free, but if you’re really serious about starting a business online, whether it’s through affiliate marketing or other methods, you will need to consider investing in money at some point. It’s all well and good to get started for free, but you need to take your business seriously if you really want to do well.

Also, this program is also not for people who are looking for a more in-depth training program, which I’m sure most of you are looking for. The content and training are just not worth the $47/month cost.



You’re able to put in a support ticket, which isn’t the easiest page to navigate, but I had a good response time, and you can also view the FAQs page. Another support method available is the ability to call Jeff personally. To access this 1-on-1 coaching and assistance you have to pay,  $1500 per year or $197 per month.



So I’ll just break down the pricing to make the different levels clearer:

14-day trial: $1

Main Product:  $47/month

Affiliate Social Pro: $17  One Time Offer

ACP 6 Figure Continuity Workshop: $47 One Time Offer

ACP 6 Figure Endless Traffic Workshop: $27 One Time Offer



  • Newbie Friendly

If you are a total beginner, then some training videos will be useful to you. However, you’ll find that much of the training is also readily available for free online, such as how to find products on Clickbank, and how to set up an Aweber account.

  • Video Tutorials:

The tutorials are given step by step and are very easy to follow

  • Tracking software:

The program offers a tracking software which helps you track where your leads and sales are coming from.

  • Shows you how to set up an autoresponder with Aweber and how to integrate it with the ACP program:

Although you’re shown how to set up an Aweber account, there are also many free videos online that can teach you how to do so. I guess the difference here is that he shows you how to integrate your Aweber account with the ACP program, which will allow you to keep up with your leads and sales.

In order to implement this training,  you will have to set up an Aweber account, if you don’t already have one. Luckily Aweber offers a 30-day free trial, so if you do try ACP out, you won’t have to worry about paying for Aweber for at least 30 days. If you already have Aweber you can just sign in with your Aweber account and create a new campaign. He will show you how to do this.

  • 14 -Day trial for $1:

The trial also comes with Money Back Guarantee. Although I prefer to have a free trial offer, $1 isn’t a bad deal if you have decided you would like to join the program. You can create your account with either Credit Card or Paypal. I always prefer using Paypal, so at least that option is there.

  • Access to Private Facebook Group:

This is a way for you to interact with other members of ACP, and to find motivation and stay focused. However, at the time of writing this, there isn’t very much interaction between the members, and not much going on in the group, Although it is still a very new program, the lack of value in the group just isn’t useful for a newbie

  • Teaches you how to create a list using Aweber:

The program also provides you with a pre-designed squeeze page. I think creating your own squeeze page is better, but for a newbie, who doesn’t know about squeeze pages, this can be a useful way to capture leads for your email list.



  • Not enough training:

The main course only has 9 videos, and they’re very short, probably lasting 5-10 minutes each.

  • Have to upgrade to get full access to features:

In order to have full access to the program, you’ll be spending $47 monthly + up to $91 in One Time Offers.

  • The videos cannot be expanded to full-screen mode: 

Although the videos were simple to follow, the lack of full-screen mode was a bit frustrating for me as I like to make the videos bigger so I can fully see what is happening. The program is still new, so this is something that could be sorted over time.

  • Overall the content is very limited:

The content is limited, especially for the price. As mentioned above, the main course consists of 9 videos and the only additional features are the tracking software, the marketing center, and the bonuses.

  • Need to pay to get fast traffic:

In order to get fast traffic, you’ll have to use paid methods, which can be quite costly, especially for a newbie.

  • The free traffic method involves contacting friends and family:

Generally speaking,  friends and family tend to be least interested in your online ventures. The majority of them believe it is not possible to make money online and will avoid your attempts to get them to join any program you suggest to them. Therefore, this method may not work so well for many people. Other than this, there are not any other free methods mentioned in the program.

  • Upsells and Downsells:

I wouldn’t call this a con entirely because most, if not all, programs have upsells. They’re also not heavily priced which is good. But you can’t get much value from this program unless you purchase these other products. I was able to get through the main training videos and implement the tasks within a few hours. For some this is good cause it means you can get rolling as soon as possible, however, considering how much you will pay monthly, it is quite a big investment for very little value.

  • Doesn’t show/teach you how to build websites:

You are shown how to purchase a domain in order to redirect your affiliate link, but there are no lessons on building a website. That is because, with this program, it suggests you don’t need to build a website to make money online. This is true, however, I think having a website is an essential part of having an online business and creating a brand for yourself.

You can create your own FREE website in the next few minutes by entering a name in the bar below:

FURTHER READING: Building Your Own Website
FURTHER READING: Create a FREE website in 60 seconds 


  • Not worth $47 monthly fee:

In my opinion, this program is just not worth the monthly fee. You don’t get much value, and you can be done with the main course in a few hours! I’ve used the program for almost 2 weeks and I have not seen any new features or any new content that would encourage me to potentially invest in a monthly fee with this program. I believe it would be better suited as a one time offer.

The online training program I personally use, and recommend, offers TONS more value, and for the same price. (Review here)


My Experience:

I implemented the tasks step by step as shown in the video. I tested it out for a few days to see how fast I’d be able to make some money. As mentioned before, I was able to get through all the training in the main product, within a few hours. For some this may seem good, but how much value can you really get from a monthly membership if you are able to finish the training in a few hours.

I didn’t implement the traffic methods suggested because they were paid methods, so I just implemented a few free methods, and I was able to get some leads. I got 7 leads in the first 24 hours…but no sales. Although I didn’t get any sales in a few days as suggested, there are a number of reasons for why that was. I didn’t implement the paid traffic methods, so that would have played a big part. Also, because I invested time in free methods, it’s likely my list was made up of freebie-seekers, therefore, they would not have been very interested in making any payments, and it usually seems to take longer to convert leads to sales via free methods.

Overall, I could not justify ever paying $47/month for this program. I wasn’t getting any extra features and did not feel there was value for money here.

Also, feel free to watch my video walkthrough below:



Is Affiliate Commission Pro The Best Online Program For You?

A little while ago I created a post about finding the best make money online program from you. I had a number of questions which I felt were important to ask yourself about a program before deciding to join, and the table below will summarise Affiliate Commission Pro against those questions.


is Affiliate Commission Pro the best make money online program


So, in this instance, Affiliate Commission Pro was not for me, as it did not tick all the boxes. These are just my deciding factors, they may be different for you. but I still think it’s worth seeing whether the program really fits your needs.


My #1 Recommendation:

I am an active member of Wealthy Affiliate, and this is my #1 recommended online training program. It provides SO much value for less than $50/month, and you can learn how to create your own affiliate marketing business. I could talk about Wealthy Affiliate for ages, so it’s probably better for you to just check out my comparison table below and read my review.


wealthy affiliate vs affiliate commissions pro


Special Wealthy Affiliate Bonus

If you join me at Wealthy Affiliate, as a special bonus you’ll get your first month for only $19. That’s a 59% discount. It’s a great way to really test out the premium membership and see if Wealthy Affiliate is for you.

However, you can always get started with the FREE membership first. Check out my review here.



Final Words

I think there are a few good features in this program, but ultimately I feel there just isn’t enough to make it worth $47/month, and therefore I would NOT recommend this program. I think if it was offered as a lower one-time payment then it’ll be slightly better value for money, but as a monthly subscription, it’s a big massive NO.

I’d say, if you’ve already made up your mind and you’re really interested in giving it a go, then it’s worth that $1 investment and you can learn a few new techniques that you can also implement into other affiliate marketing ventures. You get to at least test it out for 14 days, then you can decide whether to become a monthly member or not.

With that being said, I think there are other more valuable training programs out there that can teach you how to give your business more sustainability by gaining trust with readers and customers.

If you’d still like to give Affiliate Commission Pro a try for $1 – click the button below:

Affiliate Commission Pro $1 Trial   



You could get started with my #1 recommended training program for FREE

   Join Wealthy Affiliate FREE   

Have you tried out Affiliate Commission Pro? What have you experiences been? Did you find this review useful? Feel free to share your comments, or any questions you have in the section below. 




Blogger, Online Marketer and full-time music lover. Thank you for reading my posts! I share my experiences of making money online as well as providing useful tips and advice to those who are interested in starting an online business. I enjoy writing reviews and giving an insight into what has worked for me and what hasn't. If you like what I write here be sure to share my posts with others!

Click Here to Leave a Comment Below 8 comments
Zailinah - June 5, 2016

Hey Stephanie,

Affiliate Commission Pro is new to me – I’ve not heard of it. If it’s at $47 a month and the owners claim you can start a business through the training videos provided, then I think it’s definitely not worth the money right off the bat. My opinion is based on the comparison to Wealthy Affiliate, that provides you hosting as well.

I appreciate the virtues of email marketing but for someone just starting online, I would not recommend it. And there’s some kind of free ebooks, software, etc that need to be prepared as a giveaway?

I get annoyed at those offer of bonuses where you need to sign into other marketers’ mailing lists. These already successful marketers help each other increase their subscribers – doesn’t bode well with me, sorry. Smart of you not to take up those bonuses!

For those who are truly serious about starting an online business, my advice would be think twice before you decide on ACP. When starting out, I personally feel you should try to minimize costs and if you have made progress, then channel more funds to generating traffic instead.

    Stephanie - June 22, 2016

    Hi Zailinah, thanks for commenting! I can see your issue with programs like this. From my experience of using the program I definitely didn’t think it was worth the $47/month fee. There just wasn’t enough content to justify a monthly fee at that price.

    I totally agree with you, I see lots of internet marketers offering loads of eBook bonuses just to get people to sign up, and it seems a lot of the bonuses are just unnecessary eBooks that don’t really offer much, in my opinion. I personally found no benefit in the bonuses offered with Affiliate Commission Pro, and it didn’t help justify the monthly fee either.

    Although I also prefer Wealthy Affiliate, the aim of this review was to give a balanced view of the product so that people can come to their own decisions about which program to invest in. I can see some potential for Affiliate Commission Pro, however, I don’t think it’s the best option for people looking to start an online business, and I would definitely never recommend it for $47/month.

    Thanks again for commenting. All the best!

Samuel - June 4, 2016

Hi Stephanie,

Thanks for sharing this review, in depth and straight to the point. Wow, when the program is suppose to be for “newbies” that are trying to succeed in Affiliate Marketing, and they never mentioned a word about a website. The number one essential thing for starting an online business, not just affiliate marketing. What’s the point of having a big email list without a website? In my opinion, building an email list comes in later, after you have build up for site and gain authority. And the buying solo ads just to gain an email list, I don’t really think it would work.

The upsells are also ridiculous. Just look at the Affiliate Social Pro.“Learn how to get absolutely free traffic with the power of social media!” I don’t get why must you pay $17 to learn how to use social media, you can always do a Google Search, the information the provide isn’t really that valuable if you ask me, nothing special… I think they program is a total rip off.

And Yes Wealthy Affiliate is a better option, the best online marketing program in the industry currently.


    Stephanie - June 22, 2016

    Hi Samuel, thank you for commenting.

    I’m glad to hear you found the review to be in-depth and straight to the point…that’s what I aim to do.

    In regards to having a website, their strategy for making money online doesn’t necessarily require a website, and having tried the program myself I can see why they don’t bother with a website. However, I personally feel, having a website makes you more trustworthy and reputable, and provides longevity in your business.

    My main thing about the upsells was that you couldn’t really get an idea of what you’ll be purchasing, and you weren’t able to test it out before deciding to buy. I think it would have been nice to include it in the $1 trial, even if it was just a few days, so that people know what they’re potentially buying into.

    I agree, Wealthy Affiliate is definitely my preferred, and recommended, option. I feel they provide better value, and you get to try it out before you decide to buy.

    Thanks again for commenting. All the best!

larry - May 26, 2016

Great information. With so many programs out there it is hard to know which one is worth the money. Wealthy Affiliate looks like a good option. How long does it take to begin earning money with Wealthy Affiliate? Thank you

    Stephanie - June 22, 2016

    Hi Larry, thanks for your comment. I know what you mean, there are just so many programs out there and it’s hard to know what to choose. That’s one of the things I want to be able to do on this blog, to write balanced reviews on different programs so that people can make an informed decision before purchasing any program. I do personally promote Wealthy Affiliate, but that’s because I believe they have so much to offer and at an affordable price.

    In regards to how long it takes to start earning money with Wealthy Affiliate, it really depends on you and how much time you’re able to put into your work. Wealthy Affiliate is a training program, so they only provide you with the tools and learning resources to start a business, and it’s how you use those tools that will determine how soon you make money. One important thing to understand is that it will take time. Wealthy Affiliate doesn’t make any “get rich quick” promises, they understand that a business can take time. If you have this mindset then you’ll be more likely to use the resources Wealthy Affiliate provide to start making money online with Wealthy Affiliate.

    I hope this help answer your questions. If you need any more advice please feel free to ask. All the best

Michelle - May 11, 2016

Thank you Stephanie for a great review. I have also purchased many programs and have not been successful. Thank you from saving me from purchasing another one.

All the best

    Stephanie - May 15, 2016

    Hi Michelle, thank you for taking the time to comment. I’m glad I was able to help you out with this review. Although there were a few features I did like about the program, I did not feel it was worth the $47/month fee at all! I think there are other programs with more value for the same/similar price, such as Wealthy Affiliate. Thank you for checking out my review and feel free to connect if you have any questions. All the best


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